Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Alas! A tiny craft day...

It's my first week with the kids alone since Rick has gone back to work. Today I thought it was time we try making a little craft or two since it's been awhile. I remember having many craft times with Natalie when she was younger and I do wish we had more time like that again. Now, with an almost five month old little brother, it's possible just with a little extra patience from all of us. After we had breakfast and our morning devotional, we brought out papers, scissors, glue and a couple of washed tin cans to make flower pots. During our time of cutting paper, gluing, taking care of and feeding Finn (Momma's job exclusively) we had a great conversation about baptism, faith and other things.
While waiting for glue to dry on our tins she began to draw a bear for her marker (with inspirational help from The Black Apple's Paper Doll Primer and Sachiko Umoto's Let's Draw Cute Animals, photo above). I also wanted her to make another marker, a banner to have a word of encouragement. She decided on BRAVE and made known that she also liked it because it referenced her new favorite movie by the same name. I decided on THANKFUL as a good reminder and a rabbit to go with it. Hopefully we will finish our tin cans turned flower pots tomorrow and continue to find ways to be creative and have fun while learning to adapt to our new lifestyle with another child :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

An important (but very short) message.

It's true, littlebighead will be moving from the site it has been at for the past several years. The days of will be over soon and I am quite happy about it (due to some confusion of 'mylittlebighead' being the true name, which of course, it's not). You can also now reach me at I must begin works on setting up a new site which I will be sure to announce once it's all ready for viewing. Thanks so much for following me along!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The boy's first trip to Disneyland

Our little man is four months old now but I couldn't help putting up a few photos from his first trip to Disneyland and California Adventure when he was two months old. We are blocked out for Summer (which I am completely okay with!) but look forward to the end of Summer to return to one of our favorite places.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New beginnings

As the saying goes, one when chapter ends another begins. I have had loads of fun blogging about art and life over at Cider & Faun but I believe it was time to start anew with the old! As odd as that sounds, it's my effort to consolidate and simplify so here is my new blog. Since I am pretty much all over the place on the web, I thought it would be a little less confusing to have my personal/art/life/everything else blog under the name littlebighead since that's the name I do art under. 

With Summer here, my eight year old girl is on school break and my four month old boy is beginning to discover the world around him little by little. I've also started to think upon my art and craft once again. I'm working on a new refreshed website under a new url (again, in effort to lessen confusion). Once that is up and running, I will definitely announce it and I can't wait. I have Fall to look forward to for various reasons, one being a show in November which I'll give more detail in due time. Much work and responsibility but thanks to God's grace, a loving husband, great kids and good friends, I know it can all be accomplished!